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Adult Small Groups

A Small Group is an intentional gathering, meeting regularly for the purpose of joining God’s mission. It is an excellent opportunity to get to know others and to create friendships. There is something powerfully unique about an intimate gathering around a table, a classroom or in a living room that forces us to think differently than when we are in a big room for worship.
First Baptist offers small groups for every stage of life.

Sunday Morning Small Groups

We have 4 Adult small groups that meet at 9:15 a.m. each Sunday morning before worship.


The Berean-Faithbuilder class meets in room 214 on the upper floor, you can enter through Door A by the offices to get to the room. They are facilitated by Tom Roberts.

The Maranatha class meets in room 112 located on the lower level near our child care center rooms. This class is available in person and also through zoom. If you are interested please call the office for the zoom details. It is facilitated by Rick Kready.

The New Horizons class meets in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level near our gym. It is facilitated by Pam Defries.

The Seekers class meets in room 212 on the upper floor, you can enter through Door A by the offices to get to the room. 


Koinonia: Sunday School Class for Adults under 55 (starting October 13)

What is koinonia? (Pronounced : koi-nOh-nee-ah)

Koinonia is a Greek word that in English means Christian fellowship and communion with God with fellow believers.


While this new Sunday School offering will be open to anyone in our faith community, it is primarily for adults under the age of 55.


Starting at 9:15am, the first half will be dedicated solely to fellowship. This is a space for adults to connect with one another and check in and see how one another is doing.


Around 9:45am, we’ll move into the second half, which will be dedicated to faith formation through honest and intentional conversation. Pastor Robin will lead most weeks by offering a Scripture to be read, and then offering space for open dialogue. We believe there’s so much that we can learn from one another by simply allowing space for people with different life experiences to offer their perspectives on God’s Word.


We will be meeting in the New Horizon Room upstairs (room 211 next to the youth room)

L.I.F.T. - Ladies in Faith Together

L.I.F.T is a women's group that comes together for small groups, Women's Book Club and Wednesday Family Night. They are an intergenerational group and welcome all women to join. They sponsor different women's Bible studies and an annual retreat. They are led by Beth Hanes. 


Garden Club

Garden Club meets at various times during the week. They meet in the courtyard on the south side of the church and are usually busy watering the plants, weeding, and planting flowers in pots and flower beds.  Bring your gloves, a hat, and some water to stay hydrated!  



R.O.M.E.Os (Retired Old Men Eating Out) meets every Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. at Perkins on Wanamaker Road.  They discuss life, religion and many other things.  This is a great time for our older men to come together and have a time of their own.  Contact Walter Shoemaker or the office for more information

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Wednesday Family Nights

Wednesday Family Nights: September 11th - November 20th

We will have 2 adult programs, and something new for the kids this fall too. Remember to invite friends and neighbors. Wednesday Family Night is a great option for sharing our church. There is a little bit for everyone. 

A light meal will start at 5:30 p.m. with programming starting at 6:15 p.m.  

Ed O'Rear, Facilitator, - Andy Stanley studies. There will be 2 - 4 week studies that you will be participating in. Ed’s group will meet in the Fellowship Hall.


Beth Hanes, Facilitator, L.I.F.T.  - Beth is working on programming now. Once info is ready we will get it posted.

NextGen Programming - Pastor Bri and Youth Leaders
or the first 30 minutes kids and youth (either separately or together depending on the week), will enjoy a fun game or activity together. For the last 30 minutes kids and youth will break up age-based programming.


  • Kids in 5th grade & under, will have an object lesson and a short craft/activity.

  • Students in 6th grade and up, will enjoy their own lessons.

One Wednesday per month, we will have a fun night, with different themes and games or activities offered. Those dates will be… September 25, October 30 and November 20


3033 SW MacVicar Ave

Topeka, KS 66611-1811



785-267-0380 Church Office 

785-266-7204 FBC Child Care Center


3033 SW

MacVicar Ave

Topeka, KS 66611-1811


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